Habit perseverance: Staying on track

Habit persistence is the remarkable ability of individuals to maintain consistent behaviors regularly, even on the challenging days. Habits do not form overnight; we need to trust the journey and process. Here are some examples of habit persistence:

  • Morning routine: It involves waking up at a consistent time every day, brushing teeth, washing face, and having breakfast. These actions become habits as we follow them automatically upon waking up.
  • Exercise routine: Going for exercise or doing yoga at a specific time of day or on certain days of the week. Over time, this routine becomes a habit.
  • Healthy eating: Eating healthy diet over the period become habitual and automatic.
  • Daily walk: Going for a walk after dinner or during a break at work can become a habit that not only promotes physical activity but also provides a mental break.
  • Well-being of loved ones: Regularly reaching out to friends and family members to maintain good relationship. This habit can provide emotional and mental support.
  • These examples illustrate how habits can influence our daily lives and contribute to our overall well-being and productivity.
  • How to maintain habit persistence?
  • Start small: It is always good to start with tiny and achievable changes. This makes easier to stick with the habit.
  • Set objectives: Define habit with specific and measurable goals. This provides a clear sense of direction and progress.
  • Use triggers: Set up triggers that remind you to perform your habit. These could be alarms, reminders, or specific cues.
  • Reward yourself: Celebrate small wins with rewards. This will encourage you to continue with your habit.
Senior lady hugging her partner

Remember, choose habits that align to your interests and values. If you enjoy the habit, you’re more likely to stick with it and it is going to impact positively in life. 
